Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Holidays are Coming!

Be smart and book while the booking's good! The holidays are coming and air seats are going. If you're planning to travel over the holidays, now is the time to act.

when buying holiday air travel, options are few. Every day there is less and less availability, which drives the fares higher and higher. When you plan to travel for the holidays, getting the best deal cannot be the deciding factor; getting the seats to your destination is the deciding factor. If you start shopping today for airfare and you find what you want-buy it. In most cases, that same offer won’t be there tomorrow. Peak days/dates for holiday travel this year will be:

Tuesday, November 25
Wednesday, November 26
Friday, November 28
Saturday, November 29
Sunday, November 30

Friday, December 19
Saturday, December 20
Sunday, December 21
Wednesday, December 24
Friday, December 26
Saturday, December 27
Sunday, December 28

New Year:
Tuesday, December 30
Wednesday, December 31
Thursday, January 1 Friday,
January 2 Saturday,
January 3 Sunday,
January 4

If your travel plans have you in transit during these times, now is the time to book and buy. Also, be sure to make use of the fabulous alert tools that airlines offer these days. No matter where you buy your ticket, you can go the website of the airline on which you are booked to select your seats, (highly recommended!) and to set up schedule alerts. These optional features allow you to request notification of flight delays, cancellations, or if you're lucky, normal operation.

Even if you plan to drive, hotel reservations en route should be booked in advance as well. Many hotel chains have begun offering advance purchase rates which can be substantially lower, although they often require non-refundable payments. Still, if your plans have you on the road, why not commit to the itinerary and save some money for it? It’s far better than driving through unknown territory in the middle of the night looking for vacancy. The same principles apply for football travel, President’s Day, and ski trips.

When Travel is your passion,
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Myth Busting

Lend me a moment to bust a couple of old myths regarding Cruise and Tour Travel.

Myth 1: People want to believe that cruise and tour rates will be lower if they wait until closer to the time of departure, believing that, in desperation to fill a departure, operators will drop prices. This simply is not true. Cruise lines and tour operators are far too concious of what that would do to the integrity of their pricing systems, and simply won't risk devaluing their entire system just to sell one more cabin. Cruises and tours give the best rates far in advance, plus, the best availability is far in advance. The longer one waits to book, the less likely they are to be able to book the dates/locations/categories that they really want, and, in the end, if you can get the reservation, the rate will be same that everyone else paid-or more.

Myth #2: I wish I had a Dollar for everytime someone told me that they will just go to the pier with packed bags and get onboard for next-to-nothing. My response has always been the same, "Please, tell me if you succeed. I'm simply dying to meet someone for whom this works!" Nobody has ever called back to prove thier success. This, however, is not the sole means of debunking this myth; there are many other reasons, too. For starters, there's the overall devaluation discussed in myth #1, but, more importantly, today there is the Homeland Security issue. Security alone will not allow this to happen these days, (as if it ever did).

Don’t believe the old hype-be smart and book while the booking’s good! The longer you delay, the more it will cost you in the end.

When Travel is your passion,
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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This is an odd time of year in the travel business. For the most part, things have really slowed down. Everybody has taken their summer vacation, and we’re all back at work and back at school. Then comes October, bringing the new brochures, itineraries, and offerings from all the operators.

October and November is booking season! This is when the best deals are out there, and availability is open. If you have any plans for next year, this is the time to get on the ball!

Here is a list of what you should be booking now:

· Thanksgiving and Christmas Air Travel
· New Year’s Travel
· Football (and Bowl Games) Travel
· Alaska Cruises & Cruisetours for Summer 2009 (especially groups!)
· Europe Cruises, Cruisetours, and Tours for Spring, Summer and Fall 2009 (especially groups!)
· Winter Holiday Travel
· Winter and Spring Ski Trips
· President’s Day Getaway (this is really important if you live in the Northeast!)
· Romantic Valentine’s Getaways
· Spring Break
· Memorial Day
· Wedding Travel (and destination weddings)
· Honeymoons

If you’re an ITA, these are the items to talk to your customers about, and promote right now. For group promotions, call and book your space to start marketing immediately.

So, during this period of cooling evenings and busy schedules, carve out a few moments to go over your calendar and make your plans. It might feel like it’s a year away, but time flies when you’re busy! You’ll be glad you booked in advance.

When Travel is your passion,
Gulliver's Travels is your
Work-at-home Solution!
(941) 328-6800

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Monday, September 29, 2008

The Scoop on Making Money

How do ITAs make money, and how much money do they make? These are questions that I have faced many times, and no doubt, will continue to encounter whenever someone is considering joining our organization.

It would be easy for me to just roll off generalities and averages, but doing so would not give a fair or accurate representation. The truth is, we have some ITAs that are making a living as such, some that are supplementing their income, and some that are making little or nothing. How much an ITA earns depends on a few important factors:

o The amount of time put into their business
o The amount of investment put into their business
o The level of organization of their business
o Whether or not they have outlined and implemented a comprehensive business and marketing plan
o Whether or not their business and marketing plan was well-founded and realistic
o The type(s) of business they are targeting

… and there may be more. The fact is that, we offer a Business Opportunity. We provide support, materials, information, education, services, resources, and more-all designed to help ITAs develop their individual business. However, each ITA is responsible for doing the work. Like any business, results are proportionate to efforts.

There are some things that can be done to sway momentum in one’s favor, though.

At Gulliver’s Travels, we are now encouraging our ITAs to write a Business and Marketing Plan, and to submit it to us for review. By writing a business and Marketing Plan, our ITAs are taking the time to really think through their business and decide what is important to them. We are then able to work together for better success. Once we receive it, we will check to see if it is well thought-out and the expectations attainable. We will then send an evaluation with suggestions that we feel would be helpful. Based on these plans, we will send news, specials, training events, FAMs, and other relevant information the right ITAs for maximum return.

The first thing we encourage our ITAs to do is to specialize. Having a niche, or specialty lends credibility and creates an instant comfort zone for customers in that audience. A niche can be anything from a sports interest to destination specialty. Some niches just develop naturally over time. This is because within niches, an agent is able to benefit from the best-and most affordable-advertising: word-of-mouth. Other niches have to be developed with expertise and time.

For years we’ve told our ITAs to sell group travel-and for good reason. Why knock yourself out on a booking for just one couple, when you can do the same booking for 10 or 20 or more couples at once? It’s good sense, and the customers benefit, too. Dealing with groups can be difficult, though. To start with, a “group” is hard to find, and even more difficult to secure. Also, once the booking is made, enforcing payment deadlines and coordinating requests can often feel like trying to herd cats. Group business is good and it’s profitable; but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Our ITAs should watch for our new “Guide to Groups” which is being written now and will be posted in the Back Office soon.

Another type of business that can be lucrative is corporate accounts; but be careful! Not all accounts are created equal, and there are considerable differences that make some business accounts profitable while others are a bane. This is another forthcoming publication that our ITAs will soon be able to access.

We have many other secrets for our ITAs, too, which they can find posted in the Back Office. We are constantly developing new materials and publications to help them. This way, they have real information that they can apply as they grow in their travel business.

We don’t have any agents that have made a Million Dollars (yet), and chances are slim that doing so will become a trend; but we won’t count that out, either. For the time being, we feel successful when an agent sets realistic goals and we help them achieve them, whether they’re making $4,000 a year or $40,000 a year.

When Travel is your passion,
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Friday, September 26, 2008

Travel Fantasies and Personal Observations

In 1999 I designed and presented a training course for new Outside Agents. The first exercise that I assigned was for each agent to write down their travel fantasy. They were each given a small form with basic questions, as if they were submitting a travel request to a travel agent. They had to provide the number of people in the party, a departure city, length of trip, etc. Then the ideas were to be randomly exchanged, and each agent would research and "book" somebody's fantasy trip. The purpose was to drive home the idea that the world is full of magnificence and splendor; and that anything that could be dreamt could be booked.

When I thought this assignment up, I was thinking people would write things like, "Visit the gardens that inspired Monet", or "Research my ancestry in _______", or "Tour the royal castles of Europe", or "Work on a cattle ranch in Brazil". I could think of a lot of travel fantasies-for myself or others.

When I opened the "dream slips", I was very surprised to see that the entire group, (15 people) all wrote the same thing! They all wanted a trip around the world. What's more, most of them wanted to do this in 30 days less.

Now, indulge me for a moment, if you will. Certainly I want to see the entire world. I'd like to visit and make friends in every country. When traveling though, I long to feel connected to the place; to really feel the rhythm and to be submerged in the culture. When I leave, I don't want to feel like I've visited a place, I want to feel like I was a part of that place.

One of the best ways I know to really experience local culture is to go shopping where the locals do. I'm not talking about shopping for local specialty items or handicrafts, but to really shop; as one shops for their family; be it a grocery store or open market. If I don't know where to find such a place, I ask where to buy diapers or toilet paper or some other mundane household good. I've learned a lot at grocery stores; and it feels like an authentic experience.

It is precisely this desire for connection, I believe, that drives the popularity of cooking, walking, and bicycling tours. These trips require that we be deeply engaged. We're actually participating in local life. Most of all, it is meeting and interacting with people that creates for us the fondest memories.

Building relationships-whether with people or places-takes time. Relationships do not grow in a day or even a week. So, when I saw that 15 people, each with a self-proclaimed "passion for travel", wanted to travel around the entire world in 30 days, I felt deflated, but challenged, too. I had a clearer understanding of the task in front of me. So, I redesigned the exercise by writing new and different travel fantasies.

This way, I opened their eyes and really taught them things that they didn't know. They researched the destinations, spoke to the tour operators, and did all the legwork. They each presented an itinerary and travel proposal. I think of this still and wonder if that group learned what I tried to teach them. I know that I learned something from this excercise. I hope that if they were asked today about their travel fantasy, their answer would reflect this experience

When Travel is your passion,
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The Start of My Life in Travel

In a large group meeting with several hundred of my closest colleagues, somebody asked, "How many people here-as kids-wanted to grow up and be a travel agent?" As expected, not many people raised their hands; but I did. I didn't always know it, but travel has always been my calling.

My passion for travel goes all the way back to 1st grade. I was attending a Christian school, and in chapel one Thursday morning we were told, "We have some special guests here today, kids. These folks are missionaries, and they travel all over the world helping people." When I heard that there are people that travel all over the world for a living, my whole outlook changed. At that moment, I was zinged. I felt a burning desire in my gut, and I knew my future was all about travel.

As the years went on, I never had a clear direction for my occupation, but my obsession with travel was there; always. In high school, which I did not enjoy, I managed to drag myself with self-promises that after school, I would travel the world. The mother of one of my sister's friends was a travel agent, and I was always anxious to talk to her; ask her about the travel business. After school, I went through a comprehensive travel school, and that was it; I was on my way. My first job was at a resort wholesaler, but that didn't last long. Frankly, I didn't really undrstand the "wholesaler concept". I decided it was time to take off. For a short while, I did travel; I went to work on a cruise ship. It was a lot of fun at the age of 19, and I go to travel through Canada and to Bermuda. I had a blast.

Landing back on Terra Firma, I got my first job in a travel agency, and that was it; it's been onward and upward ever since. Since my first agency, I dreamed of owning my own agency. Always hungry for knowledge and growth, I experimented by building different segments, trying different forms of marketing, and embracing each development in technology.

Way back when I started in the started, over 20 years ago, agencies generally had three type of agents: Corporate, Leisure, and Outside. While I was always inside-mostly on the leisure side of the coin-I was fascinated with outside agents. I believed that outside agents had the best of everything. I still think that, except today, they're generally no longer outside agents. Today, the name has changed to "Independent" agents. Some call them home-based agents, but I resent that label. I equate independent agents to REALTORS; there are a lot parallels. Would say that someone is a "Home Based REALTOR" , or are they just a REALTOR? Would you say someone is a "Homebased sales rep", or are they just a sales rep? What difference does it make where they work? Independent agents have to be serious and really work to build a business. Just like REALTORS, some succeed, some don't; overall it's an age-old principle-What you get out of it is proportionate to what you put in. Today, Independent agents have the world at their fingertips, and truly have tremendous opportunity.

Technology is amazing. Of course, I can't let any discussion about technology pass without pointing out that the travel industry has always been on the cutting edge of technology, as far back as the early 1960's when the general population had never seen a computer. In any case, technology has been both a boon and a bust for our industry; it is a double-edged sword.

Sure, the internet has forced us to change our business models, and adapt to new ways of conducting business, as many people prefer to book online. Who wouldn't? Booking online gives the consumer instant response, and control-or at least a perception of control, (in reality, travel-related business is never under control). So the internet hit us hard-for a little while. Our industry partners hit us, too-hard! They no longer needed pofessionals representation, when people can online and book themselves. Well, we are a resilient bunch, so we have adapted, and the travel industry is alive and better than ever.

Technology is also our friend. It drives our business engine. Today's technology has allowed us to build a great booking website, plus extend our power across the country. We now have agents working for us from San Diego to Maine and Seattle to Key West.

Travel is a passion like this for a lot of people; it's just that many people don't understand how to make that passion work for them. Many people come into the trave business as a second-or supplemental career. These are folks that are passionate about travel. They have varying levels of experience-some are professional agents that have been in the business for decades, while others want to build a travel business from scratch. To be honest though, this is a crazy, messy business, and you really have to want to succeed to make it work.

This is why I love my job. I am the National Director and VP or Operations for Gulliver's Travels, Inc. We operate a national network of Independent Travel Associates that promote travel and profit by selling travel. Our program allows anyone to join us, start networking in their "Circle of Influence" and build a profitable travel business.

Many programs in our "genre" have been labeled bad because they're "card mills" or MLM's; both of which our industry is entirely intolerant aout. I understand why agents hate these types of business; some of the reasoning is fair and some of is fear. Here at Gulliver's Travels, tough, those old, worn arguments don't stick. We have a different type of business. Our is based on professionlism.

So, how do we do it? How do we create a new business model, and how do we keep or continue to attract talented, motivated, and passionate travel personnel? Well, I believe we have it here at Gulliver's Travels. Here we have a dynamic, advanced website booking engine, and all of the support services that an entrepreneur needs to thrive in today's travel industry.

There are others out there that think they're like us. They tell you to pay, promise you discounted travel and call you a travel agent. Once you're in though, you know what happens; the focus changes. They're not about travel-they're about recruiting. They don't care if an agent sells a single trip to a single passenger; they just want you to bring in your friends, neighbors and relatives. They don't have professional, seasoned agents in a supportive call center, and they don't help you really service travel customers.

Our focus is different. We are all about travel; it's what we love and why we're here. We know our products, and we know our business. We offer programs, packages and specials that people really want. And yes, we actually sell travel.

That's not to say that we don't want new agents; of course we do. And sure, our agents get a referral reward when they sponsor new agents. But our agents know that the ticket to their success in our organization is through promoting and selling travel.

My road in travel started in 1986, and it's been a long and bumpy ride, but today the skies are blue and the horizon is promising. I am very grateful that I am still able to work in the business that I love. Many agencies didn't make it through the hard years, though most of those agents are still out there, looking for a way to keep going. Gulliver's Travels offers a business opportunity that is unmatched in professionalism and support. I hope that I reach those lost agents and show what we can offer. I hope I can reach a new audience, too, of people that love travel and have entrepreneurial spirit in abundance.

If you think you'd enjoy a career in travel, and you're ready to commit to building a business, give us a call, and let's see what we can do together.

When Travel is your passion,
Gulliver's Travels is your
Work-at-home Solution!
(941) 328-6800

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ITA #1153299


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