Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Myth Busting

Lend me a moment to bust a couple of old myths regarding Cruise and Tour Travel.

Myth 1: People want to believe that cruise and tour rates will be lower if they wait until closer to the time of departure, believing that, in desperation to fill a departure, operators will drop prices. This simply is not true. Cruise lines and tour operators are far too concious of what that would do to the integrity of their pricing systems, and simply won't risk devaluing their entire system just to sell one more cabin. Cruises and tours give the best rates far in advance, plus, the best availability is far in advance. The longer one waits to book, the less likely they are to be able to book the dates/locations/categories that they really want, and, in the end, if you can get the reservation, the rate will be same that everyone else paid-or more.

Myth #2: I wish I had a Dollar for everytime someone told me that they will just go to the pier with packed bags and get onboard for next-to-nothing. My response has always been the same, "Please, tell me if you succeed. I'm simply dying to meet someone for whom this works!" Nobody has ever called back to prove thier success. This, however, is not the sole means of debunking this myth; there are many other reasons, too. For starters, there's the overall devaluation discussed in myth #1, but, more importantly, today there is the Homeland Security issue. Security alone will not allow this to happen these days, (as if it ever did).

Don’t believe the old hype-be smart and book while the booking’s good! The longer you delay, the more it will cost you in the end.

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