Thursday, November 6, 2008

Look out! Here it comes!

The election is finally over; a big relief. Needless to say, the economy was a major issue in the election, and our new President-Elect had a lot of popular support because of the belief that he will be able to improve the state of the economy. That belief alone is likely to spur consumer confidence and thereby stimulate new spending; a driving force in the economy. In addition, even prrior to the election, fuel prices have started falling; down to $2.25 in my home community! I drive 150 miles a day, so that's a great relief.

Whether your candidate won or lost, I believe that America will see near-instant reaction, based on increased consumer confidence, and this is good news for everybody. With the holidays drawing near, and the biggest travel-sales season just around the corner, now is the time to promote and sell travel! Hot items right now are ski packages, and cruises and tours to Alaska and Europe, (advance bookings for summer). So, if you've been holding off or restricting your spending, now is the time to breathe a little easier, and start thinking about having fun again.

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