Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Resignation Refrains

There are certain phrases that, when I hear them, run straight up my back, evoking an instant tension deep in my soul. They are my "hot buttons." We all have them, I'm sure. Here at work, they break my heart.

Ours is a service-based business. We offer a service to our ITAs. Sometimes, for any number of reasons, people cancel. I know that we'll lose some ITAs, and I prepare for that. Every cancellation is important, and, when we receive a cancellation form, I look it over and take it seriously. It asks why, and includes a very brief satisfaction survey.

Usually, there's just a one-line simple sentence, like, "no time", or "in school" or something to indicate a change in lifestyle. And then there are those that hit my hot buttons. It doesn't happen often, but every once in a while, I'll see something like, "Not making money" or "Haven't used the service".

Please forgive the trangression, but... DUH! We offer a business opportunity. We provide support services, credentials, websites, booking systems, accounting and more for folks all over the country that want to be a part of the world of travel. We give them all of the support they need, so that they can build a business by marketing travel-even without experience in the travel business. On the inside, we have a full service call center with genuine, experienced travel professionals that offer guidance, work with the clients, book and manage travel sales, provide sales support and more. Its a great system and a great way to get into the travel business. We do not, however, include a golden egg.

All things considered, travel is probably one of the most marketable products in the world. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: every day, everywhere I go, I encounter people that react excitedly when they hear I'm in the travel business. It's been like this for over 20 years, and it never changes. So, how is it that anyone can think that it's not working?

We have many very successful ITAs that enjoy the income they earn by promoting travel. Several of our folks enjoy substantial travel benefits by promoting groups; earning higher returns and often free travel for themselves.

Any business takes work, time, and money and results are directly proportionate to investment. Our most successful ITAs are out there meeting people, making presentations, handing out business cards, managing thier database, keeping frequent communication, and working thier system. That's how they're successful.

Somebody hit my hot button today.

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