Friday, November 21, 2008

Well, so much for that

Here we are, three weeks post election, and the economy continues to fail miserably. I guess I missed the mark with my prediction. Not that I believe(d) our new President-elect can solve these problems, but I did believe that the American people, so many of whom are completely entranced with Mr. Obama, would react with jubilation and optimism, creating an instant surge in consumer confidence. This, I thought, would bring about a swift reaction by infusing our economy with retail spending, creating a downline effect with impact on everything from unemployment to the stock market. Oh well; so much for that.

One sign of optimism is shining through the gloom; we've received a surge in inquiries concerning our business opportunities for Independent Travel Associates. This means that people are starting to reach out for the light at the end of the tunnel; looking for a new way to create income and enjoy the fun of the travel business. Good for them-and a hearty welcome to all of our new ITAs! This will be an exciting journey for you!

Back in Travelland, this is a slow time of year anyway. Anyone traveling for the winter holidays should have already booked by now. Other than that, people are thinking about holiday activities and spending, which, in this economy is making life rough for many of us.

Nonetheless, we are not without business and activity. Surprisingly, many folks are looking ahead to both the Inauguration and President's Day. The Inauguration is a big event this time around, due to aforementioned throngs of admirers. We have been chartering buses and booking hotels, though most of the hotels that are available are a couple of hours or more away from Washington DC. Still, when one travels from California or Texas, or various other far-flung areas, a two or three hour drive for festivities is a small price to pay-especially when that drive is saving you $500.00 per night or more.

President's weekend is always a popular getaway weekend-especially for those that live in the Northeast. The folks that are booking now are smart, and will be able to enjoy a stress-free getaway while their friends and families go through the last-minute scramble of trying to find anything they can book. Florida is a classic President's Day weekend destination with beaches packed on both coasts.

For those of you that have been around for a year or more, you know what is happening now; GROUPS! We're getting incredible cruise group specials now, and of course that includes Europe and Alaska; both of which must be booked in November if you want good dates, rates, and space. If you love escorting groups-or just traveling free-this is the time of year to grab your reservations, so do it now.

Ski has been pretty quiet for us this year; I'm not sure why this is, but I don't believe that America is sitting this ski season out. If expense is the problem, perhaps skiers need to look to less-expensive destinations such as North Carolina or New England, rather than the ever-popular Western destinations.

Well, the wait for wealth continues, but in the meanwhile we can still live the travel dream.

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